D-7-Confirmation before Injection Molding Process

Molding process preparation includes 3 aspects: raw material, mold, equipment (such as injection molding machine (IMM), temperature controller, process monitoring machine…etc.), they shall work with each other properly in order to produce good parts. At least but not limited to following items must be checked to confirm if the preparation had been done properly, it shall be done while technician on site loading the molds on the IMM.

The preparation always starts with raw material dry since it takes several hours to complete, drying process needs to be proceeded according to property sheet requirement from supplier. At the meantime, we can start check related documents, mold and molding equipment. Although there are some items had been checked in C-17, since the mold may not be sent to trial or production immediately, therefore it is suggested to perform the check/confirmation again loading mold on IMM.

  1. Documentation
    Available, and content correct/complete information.
  2. Mold Appearance
    Size could match to expected machine.
    Location ring could match to expected machine.
    Name plates available, and content correct/complete information.
    Direction sign available, and content correct/complete information.
    Shot counter installed
    Cooling channel:

    Available, and content correct/complete information.
    Connection’s area according to expected standard.
    Hydraulic channel:
    Available, and content correct/complete information.
    Connection’s area according to expected standard.
    Air channel:
    Available, and content correct/complete information.
    Connection’s area according to expected standard.
    No sharp edges and corners available.
    Top side closed (plastic plate e.g.)
    Hot runner connection and layout available, and content correct/complete information.
    Limit switch available at core pulling and ejector plate.
    Hole pattern and ejector design suitable to the IMM.
  3. Equipment related
    Screw size suitable for the shot weight.
    Nozzle size suitable for the mold.
    Raw material properly prepared according to property sheet.
  4. After mold loaded on the IMM and before injection starts, confirm functionality of following items:
    Open /close
    Ejector system
    Return pin
    Needle valve system
    Hot runner heaters and sensors, and power consumption of each heater shall be the same.
    Grease properly applied.

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