E-1-Planning Phase

Following activities and documents shall be carried out in this phase.

Collect Input

It is defined as the physical and performance requirement of a product that are the foundation for the product design. Input shall be identified from several sources including, but not limited to:

  • Proposal: it could contain the detail description of the very beginning idea. Such as A vehicle to reach the destination faster.
  • Customer / development partner Designer Input Requirement
  • Regulatory requirement
  • Functional requirement
  • Performance requirements
  • Interface requirements
  • Risk assessment
  • Industry standards
  • Customer / development partner Intended Use
  • Mating parts characterization analysis/spec. jointly agreed to with the customer.

Information from similar products shall also be considered as a source of Design Input

  • Customer complaints
  • Experience collected including Corrective and preventive action, Non-confirming Material Report…etc.

Generate User Requirement Specification (URS)

URS describes the detail information of the “product” to fulfill the initial idea and what are the requirement to complete the product, it could contain following items:

  • To reach the destination faster: by moving at a higher transportation speed.
  • The method to reach higher transportation speed, it includes but not limited to:
    1. Running or moving very fast.
    2. Protect people from wind/rain…etc. during moving.
    3. The profile has great aerodynamics.
    4. It can carry sufficient energy to move fast and long enough.
    5. It equipped comfortable internal environment for long travel.


Once we prepare/receive enough/complete input, we can start the plan and identify at least but not limited following:

  • The project’s purpose: to reach the destination faster.
  • Scope: what kind of vehicle.
  • Product description: moving on land including sea level from 10 meters to 3000 meters…etc.
  • Objectives: target customer/price, lead time…etc.
  • Project milestones: tasks to be completed during development.
  • Milestone deliverables: output of the tasks to be generated during development.
  • Roles and responsibilities at functional areas
  • Planned design reviews
  • Responsibilities between yourself and customer/supplier/development partner shall be specified internally/externally.
  • This plan shall be used to document the planned activities and deliverables for each phase of the project development.

Generate Harm List (HL)

It provides the customer/development partners assessment of the severity of harms. HL shall be used in all documents handling risks. The definitions for a Hazardous Situation leading to Harm are

  • Very High: Very likely to lead to harm to the End User.
  • High: Likely to lead to harm to the End User.
  • Moderate: May be likely to lead to harm to the End User.
  • Low: Not likely, but possible, to lead to harm to the End User.
  • Very Low: Not likely to lead to harm to the End User.

Here is an example for the hazardous situation that may happen on the product that we are preparing to develop.

Table Possible hazardous situation may happen on the desired product.

Risk management plan

Summarizes all risk management related activities that shall be performed during each specific project and shall be a part of the risk management file (RMF). The RMP shall be established in the beginning od the project. If the work performed does not follow the activities included in the plan, it shall be documented and justified in the Risk Management Report (RMR).

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